Rest easy our precious Angel! You were loved more than you ever know.
Took so long to write this and put Words down. You left us too Soon and too Quick and Still Hurts thinking about you. Our Darling Boy. Talk about you everyday and will be in Our Hearts forever. Sleep tight little man until we meet again. Thank you so much Trevor for being so Caring and understanding and treating Animals like Humans. Afterall they are...
My gorgeous boy Stewy who has left us with a large bunny shaped hole in our hearts. Loved in this life and the next x
Kaylem has left a huge hole in our hearts and home after just over 15 and a half years of living his best life he has earned his rest, Many thanks to Trevor for a loving caring send off of our beautiful boy.
16 years young my lovely princess Millie. You were my best friend, my sidekick and my entire world. You were the most special dog and one tough girl. Spending the last two years as a tripaw you battled on still chasing stones, keeping your brother Toby in check and swimming with Trevor and any opportunity you could get if it was warm. Never forgotten...